Colourless is also beautifull

(Story of an adipose cell)

One of the most fascinating things about pathology are stains and their colours!!! May those be of fluorescence imparted by the cells or the gorgeous golden shimmering of the fibres under polarization, the red, green, magenta and other rainbow colours of special stains or may that be our conventional blue and pink that is hematoxylin and eosin which is like an “eye bible” for every pathologist!

We as oral pathologist have a great fortune to explore these many chroma’s each with lot of hidden mysteries & adventures…

Every cell in pathology gets stained with pink and blue and hence they become quite usual; but our cute little “fat cells” (adipocytes) refuse to take these usual colours like all other cells; instead, they prefer to concentrate on production of their content which is “lipid/fat” and are very loyal to their manufactured product!

The fat that they produce being rival of the alcohol (one of the “boss” ingredient of processing solutions through which the tissue has to pass!)

The fat content of the adipose cell refuse to surrender and get mixed with the alcohol, as a result, fat gets washed away during tissue processing, thus rendering the adipose cell “empty”…

The empty space doesn’t pick any colour (stain) and hence appear colourless…The rim of the adipose cell appears to be of pink colour and the nucleus just like every other cell appears blue…

Another peculiar feature of the adipose cell its displaced nucleus…

The production of fat push nucleus towards the periphery as the fat does not entertain any room partner, since it requires complete room to dwell!

This gives the adipose cell its unique “signet ring” look…

Hence, when we scan the complete slide section, amongst the whole pink and blue (hematoxylin and eosin) scatter of dense cellular population, the colourless signet ring cells stand out!

Often these are the first to get spotted and identified and hence are the favourite cells of the students…Am I right?!

In a nutshell, adipocytes are the perfect example, that there is no point in always getting coloured in the way that others do, no point in always falling in and following the stereotypes; sometimes being “colourless” being different can reveal the true beautifull “you”!

Be original, Be beautifull!!!!

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